

    Material Flow Analysis of the Civil Automotive Lubricating Oil in China

    • 摘要: 作为受管制的危险废物,废弃民用汽车润滑油具有资源再生和环境污染的双重属性,给管理造成一定挑战.采用全生命周期物质流分析方法计算得出,2019年废弃民用汽车用润滑油中的23%通过不同的耗散途径进入环境,各地废润滑油再利用能力存在较大的差距,再利用能力强的省,其企业数量多,竞争激烈,无资质企业非法回收处理的问题也比较突出,并且在空间上呈现东部沿海地区领先的局面.在2030年汽车电动化实现30%市场渗透率的情境下,相较于100%传统燃油车的情景,车用润滑油的用量将减少约20%.未来,汽车润滑油市场应进一步规范,引导市场向规模化、高值化转型,从而改善车用润滑油全生命周期的环境表现.


      Abstract: As a controlled hazardous waste,wasted automotive lubricating oil has both resource recycling potential and environmental pollution risk.This research carries out the material flow analysis to find that 23% of the waste automotive lubricating oil goes to the environment through various ways.Gap exists in the recycling capacity in different provinces.In provinces with strong recycling capacity,there are a large number of enterprises with fierce competition,and the problem of illegal recycling is also prominent.In the scenario of 30% market penetration of vehicle electrification in 2030,compared with the scenario of completely traditional fuel vehicles,the amount of lubricating oil used in vehicles will be reduced by about 20%,and the eastern coastal region will take the lead in such reduction.Considering the change of automobile lubricating oil market under electrification,policies are needed to help the qualified recyclers to improve their techniques and raise the value of recycling while reduce the environmental pollution in the life-cycle of products.


