

    Progress and Challenges of Water Ecological Environment Protection from the Perspective of “Three Waters Overall Planning”

    • 摘要: 水环境、水资源、水生态“三水统筹”系统治理,是推动我国生态文明建设与绿色低碳高质量发展的重要路径,关乎美丽中国目标的实现.本研究阐述了我国水生态环境保护从水污染防治向“三水统筹”系统治理转变的背景和“三水统筹”治水理念的深刻内涵,总结了水环境保护在这一转变过程中取得的阶段进展,并分析了存在的突出问题和挑战.提出了未来中长期水生态环境保护发展建议,以期为2035年美丽中国水环境建设目标的实现提供参考和借鉴.


      Abstract: The “Three Waters overall planning” (noted as “TWOP” hereafter) refers a coordinating protection of water environment,water resources and water ecology,playing an important role in the harmonious development of environment and economy of China.This paper systematically reviews the background of the transformation from water pollution prevention and control to“TWOP”,along with elucidating its underlying meaning.And the progress and existing problems in the process of practice of “TWOP” are also analyzed.Studies have shown that a number of distinctive and effective typical experience models have been initially formed through technological innovation and model innovation in past two years.Nevertheless,many challenges persist,including the lack of assessment and evaluation system,imperfect marketization mechanism,insufficient collaborative governance,etc.Therefore,to systematically promote “TWOP” in the future,it is necessary to accelerate the improvement of the water ecological assessment and evaluation system,promote the formation of collaborative governance,comprehensively use the ecological compensation mechanism and so on.


