

    Study on the Mitigation of Unsteady Wave Flows in Narrow Upstream Approach Channels Based on Counteracting Water Flows

    • 摘要: 狭长型引航道受距离长、水浅和边界狭窄的限制,内部水流条件对边界扰动敏感,遭遇超大型船闸灌水波作用,引航道内发生复杂的非恒定流长波运动且无法快速、充分扩散,形成典型碍航水流条件.某大型水利枢纽为适应万吨级船舶通航、提高通过能力,拟扩建船闸.扩建船闸双线并列布置、共用船闸上下游引航道,单线船闸灌水峰值流量可达748m3/s,较该水利枢纽已建船闸增大约65%,且上游引航道是长为1 200m、底宽为140m、最小水深为7m的典型狭长型限制性航道,船闸灌水单闸次取水量大、诱发非恒定流强度大且无法在有限范围内扩散,当库水位为145m时,仅单线船闸灌水运行,引航道内最大波高可达1.55m,严重威胁船舶通航安全.通过对取水位置进行系列模拟,提出在进水口与引航道封闭端营造取水水域,促使进水口断面形成有效水流对冲,可达到削弱波动初始动能、改善引航道波高的效果.基于此,将进水口由1闸首前沿上移至引航道开边界端部,引航道内最大波高降至0.73m,最大流速降至0.54m/s,降幅均达53%.


      Abstract: Due to inherent limitations such as extended length,shallow water depth,and narrow boundaries,the internal flow conditions within narrow approach channels are sensitive to boundary disturbances.When subjected to inflow waves generated by large-scale lock operations,these channels experience complex,unsteady,long-wave motion that cannot be rapidly or sufficiently diffused,leading to hazardous navigational conditions.Hence,this paper extends the existing lock chambers at a major hydrological hub to accommodate vessels with capacities of up to 10 000 tons and increased throughput.The upgraded lock chambers will be arranged in parallel configurations,sharing the upstream and downstream approach channels.A single lock chamber in this configuration can reach a peak inflow rate of 748m3/s,approximately 65% more than the existing ones.Additionally,the upstream approach channel has a length of 1 200m,a bottom width of 140m,and a minimum water depth of 7m.The large volume of water intake for each lock operation induces intense,unsteady flows that cannot be adequately diffused within the limited confines of the channel.With a reservoir level of 145m and a single lock chamber in operation,the maximum wave height within the approach channel can reach 1.55m,posing a severe threat to navigational safety.Through several simulations optimizing the water intake location,we concluded that creating an intake zone between the channel’s inlet and its closed end could effectively counteract water flows.This strategy reduces the initial kinetic energy of the waves and improves wave height conditions in the approach channel.Based on this,relocating the intake from the front edge of the first lock to the open boundary of the approach channel led to a reduction in the maximum wave height to 0.73m and the maximum flow speed to 0.54m/s,achieving a 53% reduction in both measures.


