

    Vibration Theory of TBM Cutterhead and Its Application

    • 摘要: 全断面岩石掘进机施工振动大、能耗高,一直是工程领域研究的难题.论文以刀盘结构特点为依据,通过对全断面岩石掘进机施工中刀盘运动分析,将刀盘作业中的振动分为沿全断面岩石掘进机掘进方向的振动(纵向振动)和绕刀盘旋转轴线的扭转振动,并据此建立了全断面岩石掘进机刀盘纵向自由振动和扭转自由振动力学模型.通过深入的理论研究,给出了求解刀盘纵向自由振动和扭转自由振动自然频率的理论和方法,并将该理论和方法应用于全断面岩石掘进机刀盘纵向振动自然频率和扭转振动自然频率的求解,发现了在刀盘面质量一定的条件下,刀盘纵向振动自然频率是刀盘支撑半径和刀盘厚度的函数,刀盘扭转振动自然频率只是刀盘厚度的函数,且刀盘纵向振动自然频率与其扭转振动自然频率的代数和存在纵扭振动自然频率最小值.论文研究方法和结果为规避施工全断面岩石掘进机剧烈振动提供了理论依据和借鉴.


      Abstract: High vibration and energy consumption in the construction of full face rock tunnel boring machine (TBM) has been a difficult problem researched by experts in the field.Based on the cutterhead structure and through deformation analysis of the cutterhead during TBM construction,cutterhead vibration was divided into two types:longitudinal vibration generated in the TBM excavation direction and torsional vibration generated in the cutterhead rotation direction.Thus,two models were developed:longitudinal free vibration model and torsional free vibration model.After conducting in-depth theoretical research,this paper presents the theory and methods for calculating the natural frequencies of both the longitudinal and torsional free vibrations of the cutterhead,the theory is used to solve for the natural frequencies of longitudinal and torsional vibrations of a TBM cutterhead.It is found that with the cutterhead quality unchanged,cutterhead longitudinal vibration free frequency is the cutterhead bearing radius and cutterhead thickness function;cutterhead torsional vibration free frequency is only the cutterhead thickness function;the minimum exists for the algebraic sum of the natural frequencies of longitudinal and torsional vibrations.The research method and results of the paper provide a theoretical basis and reference for circumventing the violent vibration of the TBM in construction.


