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    A Hybrid DBN Model Framework for Long-term Streamflow Forecasts
    XU Wenxin, CHEN Jie, LIU Jianhua, CHEN Hua
    2023, 31(4): 795-810. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.001
    Abstract PDF
    Causes and Prevention of Cracks in Concrete Slab of Rockfill Dam During Construction
    YUAN Min, QIANG Sheng, CEN Weijun, HU Yong, CHEN Bo
    2023, 31(4): 811-827. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.002
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Hydraulic Characteristics of a Vortex Drop Shaft Spillway with a Blocker
    YANG Zhou, YIN Jinbu, WEI Kebang, XU Genhai, YAN Xiuxiu, LU Yangliang
    2023, 31(4): 828-842. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.003
    Abstract PDF
    Prediction Model of Side Weir Discharge Capacity Based on LS-SVM
    LI Guodong, SHEN Guiying, LI Shanshan, LU Qingnan
    2023, 31(4): 843-851. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.004
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of Aboveground and Underground Parts of Vetiveria zizanioides L.Hedgerow on the Nitrogen Loss of Purple Soil on Slope Farmland in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
    GUO Ping, XIA Zhenyao, ZHANG Lun, XIANG Rui, ZHANG Wenqi, ZHU Zhien, XIAO Hai, YANG Yueshu
    2023, 31(4): 852-864. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.005
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Wind Pressure Characteristics of Low-rise Gable-roof Buildings Under Downburst
    JI Baifeng, QIU Penghui, LIU Guangyi, QU Weilian
    2023, 31(4): 865-875. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.006
    Abstract PDF
    Improved Support Vector Machine Prediction Model for Deformation Behavior of Concrete Face Rockfill Dams Considering Threshold Effect
    WEN Lifeng, LI Yanlong, LIU Yunhe, ZHANG Haiyang
    2023, 31(4): 876-893. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.007
    Abstract PDF
    Fast Inversion Method of Composite Elastic Modulus Concrete Gravity Dam Based on SBFEM and PSO-LSSVM
    WEI Bowen, WAN Xiang, XU Fugang, GUO Yingjia
    2023, 31(4): 894-905. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.008
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical Model of Frost-damaged RC Frame Beam-column Under Flexural Failure
    LI Lisi, SUOLANG Baimu, ZHENG Shansuo, WANG Shengli
    2023, 31(4): 906-920. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.009
    Abstract PDF
    Seismic Active Earth Pressure Analysis of Modular-block Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall Under RBT Mode
    LI Sihan, CAI Xiaoguang, XU Honglu, FENG Jiayu, HUANG Xin, JING Liping
    2023, 31(4): 921-934. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.010
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental Investigation of Compaction Behavior and Matric Suction of Transitional Fine-grained Soil
    ZHANG Yanfei, LIU Xianfeng, YUAN Shengyang, CHEN Weizhi
    2023, 31(4): 935-945. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.011
    Abstract PDF
    Mechanism Analysis of Unsaturated Homogeneous Flow Migration Based on Transparent Soil Technology
    QUE Yun, WENG Bin, CAI Songlin, CHEN Jia
    2023, 31(4): 946-960. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.012
    Abstract PDF
    Recognition and Sensitivity Analysis of Karstic Limestone Dissolution Degree Using Convolutional Neural Network
    ZHANG Yan, GUO Daojing, ZHANG Shuguang, SU Guoshao, LIU Fengtao
    2023, 31(4): 961-976. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.013
    Abstract PDF
    Reliability Analysis of Magnesium Cement Reinforced Recycled Fine Aggregate Concrete in Complex Environment
    YANG Tianxia, QIAO Hongxia, WEN Shaoyong, WANG Penghui, LI Jinpeng
    2023, 31(4): 977-989. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.014
    Abstract PDF
    Compound Mixing and Properties of Recycled Brick with Construction Spoil
    SHEN Jianyu, XIAO Jianzhuang, GAO Qi, WANG Haotong
    2023, 31(4): 990-1005. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.015
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Frost Resistance Durability and Interface Microstructure of Recycled Concrete in Sulfate Environment
    GONG Li, LIANG Ying, GONG Xuelei, LI Yiqiang, JIA Zhiyuan
    2023, 31(4): 1006-1017. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.016
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Flexural Behavior of Timber Beams Strengthened with Hybrid Fiber Sheets
    LI Pan, CHUN Qing, ZHANG Chengwen, WANG Haoyu, CAO Guang, DONG Qingchong
    2023, 31(4): 1018-1031. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.017
    Abstract PDF
    Deep Learning-Based Shield Tunnel Leakage Mixed Dataset Construction and Fine Segmentation
    XUE Yadong, JIA Fei, GUO Chunsheng, GUO Yongfa, LIU Jie
    2023, 31(4): 1032-1042. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.018
    Abstract PDF
    Rock Cutting Mechanism of Heterogeneous Granite Using Equivalent Rock Mass Technology
    LIU Weiji, WANG Yanfei, ZHU Xiaohua, LUO Yunxu, HU Hai
    2023, 31(4): 1043-1060. DOI: 10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2023.04.019
    Abstract PDF